Cooking with benefits

BiogasUnite addresses the critical issue of failed biogas systems and slow progress in the cooking energy sector  in Africa, aiming to revolutionize the way we think about “clean cooking”. With a vision to eliminate failed biogas systems & a mission to coordinate repair services, provide maintenance, & collect crucial data, BiogasUnite seeks to unite stakeholders and make biogas systems work effectively. This will provide the basis for massive expansion.

The challenge we face

In Africa, approximately 900 million people still lack access to clean cooking energy, often resorting to traditional, costly, and environmentally unsustainable sources like charcoal and firewood. This not only burdens their finances but also takes a toll on the health of women and children and the environment. Biogas emerges as a transformative solution, with the potential to positively impact the lives of hundreds of millions people by providing household biogas cooking solutions.
However, a critical issue has hindered its progress.

What are the stumbling blocks?

Market failure – Many biogas systems in Africa were initially installed through development aid. While this seemed admirable, it inadvertently led to market & technology failure within the biogas industry.

Lack of maintenance  – When projects end, biogas systems are often left unattended, without proper maintenance or service which led to the failure of many systems & others lay dormant. The consequences are profound.

Neglected or broken biogas systems represent not just
a waste of resources and untapped energy potential but also a loss of trust in the technology itself. Communities that initially embraced the promise of biogas found themselves disillusioned. The immense environmental & economic advantages of biogas systems remain untapped.

Introducing the biogas Unite Solution

BiogasUnite proposes a revolutionary approach focused on repair and maintenance services.
By addressing the absence of a robust technical service infrastructure, BiogasUnite connects existing technicians with failed biogas systems, ensuring immediate repair and long-term support.
This initiative aims to restore trust in biogas technology and unlock its environmental and economic advantages.

BiogasUnite Launch Presentation African Energy Week 2022

Insight into how we started, what we have done so far and where you can meet us.

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We build a Pan-African platform to boost biogas.


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