82% of the African population is cooking on low-efficiency fuelwood or charcoal stoves, causing 600,000 deaths yearly by respiratory diseases. Each African household is burning to cook a forest of 100m2, year after year. 55% of African forest losses are for cooking. Cooking in Africa contributes to 24% of worldwide forest losses, 2% of CO2, and 6% of black carbon particles global emissions.

Biogas is a safe, low-pressure, flammable gas produced at household level in a simple gas tight container. Anaerobic bacteria decompose of any kind of organic waste including kitchen and agricultural waste, food leftovers and animal manure.

Biogas technology has the potential to provide clean and affordable cooking energy for over 200 million households in Africa, saving lives, reducing carbon emissions, reducing pollution, halting deforestation, increasing soil fertility, creating jobs, and generating income.

Environmental Benefits of Biogas

Social Benefits of Biogas

  • Saving up to 600,000 lives annually by reducing air pollution and toxins from wood burning 
  • Reducing pollution from waste and feces, which contributes to an improvement in sanitary conditions and public health 
  • Prevention of deforestation, which contributes to the preservation of biodiversity 
  • Solving local problems with local resources 
  • Job creation and income opportunities